Vitapet Goat Milk Powder 400g
*For lactose Tolerance
*Naturally Hypoallergenic
*Easy to digest & Absorb
*Good palatability
Nutrition Value (per 100g)
Protein - 11g
Fat - 12g
Vit A - 283ug
Vit B1 - 120ug
Calcium - 400mg
Taurine - 200mg
Goat Milk Powder, Lactase, Taurine, Glucose, Vit A, Vit B, Vit D, Probiotic.
Mix: 30ml Water for Every 5g Powder
Dosage By Age And Weight:
Age 1kg 1-2.5kg 2.6kg
1 mo 10-20ml 20-50ml 50ml
1-3 mo 10-30ml 30-60ml 60ml
3 mo+ 20ml/kg <200ml/feed Mix Into
Special 20ml/kg <200ml/feed food
Cases Directly