Hunter Tug Absorber Leash for Dogs (Black)

Size 25mm Width

The durable shock absorber is simply hooked between the collar or harness and the leash. It reliably absorbs any sudden jolt - regardless of whether it was caused by an unexpected change of direction or a spontaneous jump by the four-legged friend. The robust, elastic »buffer« can be an advantage in every phase of life: whether it's a young, impetuous dog that first has to learn to walk on a leash, a four-legged friend with a strong hunting instinct or an older dog whose bones and joints are more susceptible to injury. The shock absorber also provides pleasant benefits for the dog owner, whose wrists, shoulders and back are relieved. From now on, nothing stands in the way of relaxed walks or jogs, hikes or bike rides.

Key Features:

  • Elastic jerk absorber to cushion sudden pulling movements
  • For medium and large dogs of all ages
  • With leather caps
  • Can be used flexibly
  • Easy and safe handling
45 cm / 18 in  2.5 cm / 25 mm