by Evelyn Pang and Hilary Louie
When kids teach kids about dogs, everybody has fun! Read this book and you’ll learn how to watch a dog and figure out what he’s feeling. You’ll know whether a dog is happy or wants to be left alone, and you’ll learn how to teach him to do cool things like “Sit,” “Come,” “Lie Down,” and to have good manners around food, just like a professional dog trainer would. Show everyone how you can help a dog be a Good Dog!
For parents and teachers
Children need to learn to play safely with dogs in their family and in the community. Written by children for children, Good Dog! teaches children to read a dog’s body language and use this knowledge to be kind, respectful, and safe around dogs. It also builds children’s confidence by teaching them how to train dogs with positive reinforcement—and to have fun doing it. The positive, non-punitive training methods are endorsed by professional dog trainers and child-safety experts. But don’t tell the kids that—tell them it’s just plain FUN!
“This book, created by kids who clicker train, tells other kids how to use clickers to understand and communicate with their pets: a great idea and a useful and amusing book, with illustrations by the authors.” —Karen Pryor
“We know that kids learn best from their peers—so it is surprising that it has taken so long to get a dog training book written by kids for kids. Good Dog! Kids Teach Kids About Dog Behavior and Training covers the real essentials of being responsible and effective in caring for and training dogs. The emphasis is on safety and empathy—two things often overlooked in the profusion of books by adults. A must-read for any child or teen starting out with a new dog, or trying to better understand a longtime companion.”
—Randall Lockwood, PhD, CAAB, author and Senior Vice President, ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals